Omnivore. Traveler. Writer.

Curiosity about food is like hunger. It can´t be satisfied for more than a few hours at a time. My passion for food is about the food I make and eat, but also about the food I eat while traveling, and the people making it. It´s about history, how food have shaped us culturally and as human beings. It´s about the food shaping our future. But most of all its about the food we eat together.

I´m a farmer, traveler, home cook and food writer. I´ve written a weekly column for the magazine section of the newspaper Dagbladet, 15 cookbooks and worked as a food writer for the Washington Post where wrote about the science of everyday cooking. For nine seasons I´ve hosted nine seasons of the TV-show “New Scandinavian Cooking” on PBS og BBCLifestyle.

My first English Language Cookbook Kitchen of Light – The New Scandinavian Cooking got rave reviews and is now out in paperback. My second book Where Flavor Was Born follows the spice route around the Indian Ocean, and was a 2008 winner of Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. My passion for food is not about making the “right” kind of food, or fancy food, rather about nurturing family, friends – and finding out more about the world we live in.